Wednesday 6 July 2011

Google plus versus Facebook

There is a new social network by google..its called Google+
The buzz around Google+ is amazing. It seems to be the hottest thing since sliced bread. If you’re one of the lucky few who got in you probably experienced a fast and steady growth of your contacts and you’ve probably spend a lot of time already on G+.
A contact on Google+ is nothing like a friendship on Facebook instead its similar to a contact on Twitter which means it can be mono directional. You can anyone to your contacts without them having to confirm it. So you can read somebody’s public messages without that somebody being forced to read yours. So you can follow people without them following you.

Any guesses as to who is the most popular person on Google(PLUS), the company's new social networking service? Ashton Kutcher , perhaps? Or Lady Gaga?

Actually, that title is currently held by Mark Zuckerberg , the founder and chief executive of Facebook - the very service that Google(PLUS) was meant to challenge.

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